
This blog presents lecture topics and linked material for Tom Mitchell's section of i300 HCI/Interaction Design class in the School of Informatics and Computing at Indiana University, Bloomington.

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Monday, 17 November

"I suppose it is tempting, if the only tool you have is a hammer, to treat everything as if it were a nail." Abraham H. Maslow (1962)

Summary of Areas for Possible Problem Identification Improvement

Reiterate Project 4 Research Phase Elements:

Due Wednesday, 19 November at noon

Each group will do a near-complete draft of their Case Study, including:

Process -- i.e. adopting the 7 mindsets and applying the 5 modes set out in the dSchool documents

Methods -- set out the ones you chose from the Bootleg Bootcamp document, but likely to include:

  • Assuming a Beginner's Mindset
  • User-Camera Study
  • Interview with Empathy
  • [Exploration of] Extreme Users
Findings -- Based on the application of your methods create a "Composite Character Profile" for those you will serve through your design (elsewhere these are sometimes called "Personas")

Design Brief -- What are the parameters for your prototype design project? In other words, what are you trying to accomplish through your design? You may find it useful to apply the "Impose Constraints" method (on page 32 of the Bootcamp Bootleg document to help here).

Document your project research in words, images and, if appropriate, video and present in a designerly PDF.

Introduce Project 4 Prototype Design and Rationale Phase Elements:
Due Wednesday, 3 December at noon

Starting with your Design Brief, set out the steps you followed in developing and testing your prototype with your client/group

You can use the "Prototyping for Empathy," "Prototype to Test," "Testing with Users,""User-Driven Prototyping," "Shooting Video," and "Video Editing" methods from Bootcamp Bootleg, pp. 33 - 35, 38, 42 - 43.

Show the evolution of your prototypes, the rationale for them, the response from testing with users, and the iterations as your understanding of client needs improves through the prototyping process.

Document your design evolution in words, images and, if appropriate, video and present in a designerly PDF.

The State of Design in Silicon Valley

On the Origins of Interaction Design: Bill Moggeridge:


Tim Brown TED Talk on Design Thinking:

In-class writing assignment: listen critically and, after watching the video, write up three key implications of what he talks about for your work on Project 4.

Homework for Wednesday, 19 November at noon:

Complete Project 4 research phase

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