
This blog presents lecture topics and linked material for Tom Mitchell's section of i300 HCI/Interaction Design class in the School of Informatics and Computing at Indiana University, Bloomington.

Thursday, November 6, 2014

Monday, 10 November

Why, according to Don Norman, are error messages evil?

What is Good Design?:

Two for the Apple haters:

Course grade curve -- minimum 3 points

Final exam study questions

Good Project 3 examples

How do the "D.Mindsets" differ from your usual way and thinking and working? 

What topics are you considering for your final project? 


Review the five modes in terms of their application to Project 4 
  1. Empathize: it’s why we’re doing user-responsive design in the first place – to bring benefit
  2. Define: that’s what you’re doing to do now, as a group. 
Choose one topic and develop it – engage with your client group re: #1 and # 2 define the scope of your engagement 

    Project 4 Submission Formats

    In-class Exercise: 

    Meet with your group, choose the topic to focus on, determine when and how to engage with your client.

    Homework for Wednesday, 12 November at noon:
    • Do a preliminary interview, as a group, with your Project 4 client 
    • Complete your initial project proposal, submitting it through Oncourse
    • Read Bootcamp Bootleg pp. 6, 8 – 9 and feel free to answer the following reading response questions for extra credit:
      1. What is the benefit of assuming a beginner’s mindset? How might you adopt one on this project?
      2. What is the purpose of a user-camera study? What does it involve? 
      3. Why is it necessary to prepare for interviews?

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