
This blog presents lecture topics and linked material for Tom Mitchell's section of i300 HCI/Interaction Design class in the School of Informatics and Computing at Indiana University, Bloomington.

Friday, October 17, 2014

Project 3: Usability Testing: Hints

Individual interim work: each group member will do something significant on a webpage of your choosing (register, make a purchase, post a video, upgrade to a premium service). Document the steps you went through and what worked and what did not work. It might be helpful to have a friend make a video of this process, talk through each step of the process and then summarize them.

Include a title and subtitle, and your name; a very brief overview of the website you've chosen and the activity you're going to engage in, present each step visually (still /and or video images) and in words. Conclude how effectively the website supports you in your activity and note any usability issues you encountered.

Due: Wednesday, 22 October at noon

Group Project: here the group will choose two sites of a similar type and try to accomplish the same task on each. For our purposes you can have a single subject try to accomplish the same specified thing on each site and see which, if any, is better. Two subjects would be better but you need no more than three. Ideally these people would not be tech-familiar. You just want them to go through the stages, using the tools provided from Krug's website, and see what results you get.

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