
This blog presents lecture topics and linked material for Tom Mitchell's section of i300 HCI/Interaction Design class in the School of Informatics and Computing at Indiana University, Bloomington.

Monday, September 8, 2014

Wednesday, 10 September

No classes to be held in classrooms, instructor and AIs will be available during class time in the Fine Arts Library. Bring your work and your questions.

Homework due Monday, 15 September at noon through Oncourse assignments:
  • Read Don't Make Me Think "Billboard Design 101," pp. 28 - 41 and answer the following reading response questions:
    • What are the three traits of a webpage with clear visual hierarchy?
    • What four formatting suggestions does Krug provide to facilitate usability?
  • Complete Project 1, Interim Assignment 2: an annotated wayfinding map to your assigned book. Submit as a designerly document including:  Title/subtitle, overall map of wayfinding path, explanation (in words and images and/or video) of each "node," concluding with a selfie of you holding your book where you found it. Include no fewer than five "nodes" and no more than ten. This is an extension!
  • Complete Project 1, Interim Assignment 3:a designerly document including:  Title/subtitle, explanation (in words and images and/or video) of the presence or absence of any of the seven principles of Universal Design found at the "nodes"along your wayfinding path (minimum five, there may not be an example in each case) Cite the reasons why each is a good or bad example with reference to the information set out in Principles of Universal Design

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